Магазин аккаунтов и прокси
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!
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Ищем поставщиков аккаунтов!
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!


                                                                                                       HOW TO BECOME A SUPPLIER AND HOW DOES IT WORK?

1. You send a description of the product you want to sell.

2. We help determine the current market value for a quick and profitable sale.

3. Then we send you a link to register in your personal account.
4. You go through the registration process and become familiar with the rules of work in your personal account.
5. Place the product indicating your price. Our markup is added automatically.
6. As soon as the product is sold, you receive money to the balance of your account in your personal account and can immediately withdraw this money.

With our service you don’t lose a single cent – ​​the extra charge is already included in the price.

For example, if you sell a VK account for $1, displaying it in a store, with a markup the cost will be $1.40.
You have nothing to lose in this transaction, but only gain!!!

To sell a product quickly, set the average market price. This way, your offer will be more attractive to customers.
For example, if the average market price for an OK autoreg is $1, you can sell it at a higher price, but it is not advisable, only if your product is of better quality than analogues on the market.

We value our reputation and do not work with:

- broken credit cards;
- scans of passports;
- Qiwi wallets and similar goods.
- Stolen goods


Large base of regular customers. Over the past 4 years, our service has established itself as a reliable partner and continues to attract new clients.
About 300+ active suppliers cooperate with us.
Our clients trust us.

We do not skimp on advertising, so our service is always visible and recognizable.

95% of service visitors are solvent clients over 18 years of age.
We work honestly and our clients are always happy, which is why we have a lot of positive reviews on various platforms and forums.

Advertising, communication with clients and sales - we take care of it all!


A platform with a large customer base and growing traffic.
Support! – we communicate with clients for you from the beginning to the end of the transaction.
Convenient payment methods through systems: USDT TRC20, Bitcoin, bank cards, Payeer, Perfect or through exchangers.
Full support of the transaction, and all you have to do is make a profit.
Fill out an application for the role of a supplier in our Telegram or register in your personal account and add a product at http://buy-mail.com/partner

We look forward to collaborating!