Магазин аккаунтов и прокси
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!
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Ищем поставщиков аккаунтов!
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!


                                                                                                  Terms of the User Agreement:

Support via Telegram

Support hours are from 8.00 - 00.00.
Write to the chat on the website or in Telegram, regardless of whether we are online or not (do not write to several places at the same time).

1. The warranty period for the product is 30 minutes from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated in the product description.
If you have problems with your accounts, contact store support. We are ready to help, but the sooner you contact us after purchase, the better. The product return or replacement guarantee is 99.99%, provided you provide screenshots or videos.

2. Refunds are possible only if it is impossible to replace the product with a similar one. If the refund includes a service fee of more than 1%, this fee will be deducted upon transfer. For example, the Payeer or PerfectMoney service charges 3% for transfers to foreign wallets.

3. To replace a product, the store has the right to require a video of the purchase (for any product), since it is not always possible to identify a problem only by the product, for example, in the case of coupons. Video recording is not required, but this is a 100% guarantee that you will receive a replacement if there is a problem with the product.

- When recording a video of an account purchase, you need to record the moment of payment, receipt of the goods and the authorization attempt. Videos where data was copied via CTRl+C are not accepted.

Important: Record a video from the moment of payment until you log into your account. Inconsiderate purchases are the buyer's responsibility. Return or replacement of goods based on additional criteria is not possible. Please check with store support before purchasing any questions.

4. The guarantee for the use of the product applies to the ability to log into your account using your login and password.
 - If the accounts are not suitable for your software/browser extension, etc., this is not a reason to return/replace the product.

5. The buyer realizes that he knows how to work with the product. The store does not teach how to use the product. If logging into your account is possible through a computer, but is limited on other devices, this is not a reason to return/replace the product, unless the product is intended for a specific device.

6. Product warranty:
 - Standard guarantee - 30 minutes
 - For VK - 10 minutes
 - An individual guarantee is indicated in the product description; if there is no information, the guarantee is standard.

7. After purchase, change the data on the product (username/password/email, etc.) to avoid accidental logins of third parties.
 It is prohibited to change data on real accounts (VPN/movie services, etc.).
 The store is not responsible for goods with changed data.

8. Check and use the product immediately after purchase, otherwise the warranty will not apply. Changes made may be the reason for refusal to return/replace the product. The buyer undertakes to store the goods at home; the store is not a storage facility for the purchased goods.

9. The buyer should not create flood/spam towards the store, otherwise the store has the right to refuse service. The store does not compensate the buyer for the costs of additional services for using the product.

10. The warranty begins from the moment you receive the goods. The buyer's skills in using the product do not delay the warranty period. The buyer must provide as much information as possible if problems arise with the product.

11. It is prohibited to leave a message without order information immediately after purchase and send an order number after the warranty period has expired. Buyer will not be able to receive a replacement/refund for used accounts. It is prohibited to use accounts for which a refund has been made or a replacement has been issued.

12. Regardless of the availability of support in the network, the order must be submitted immediately when a problem is discovered, otherwise the guarantee will not apply. Using a proxy for your account's geolocation is mandatory. VPN use is prohibited.

13. Payments made manually cannot be returned to other details. The decision on such payments is made by the service administration. Payment through other people, bots/services, etc. is the buyer's responsibility. Funds may not be credited or returned.

14. There is no withdrawal of funds from the balance of your personal account. Returns to wallets/cards are possible upon reaching the minimum limit of the payment system.

P.S. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility.