Магазин аккаунтов и прокси
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!
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Принимаем индивидуальные заказы на регистрацию таких почт:
Начать продавать!
Ищем поставщиков аккаунтов!
Если вы хотите продавать свои товары в нашем магазине, для вас мы подготовили специальный раздел в личном кабинете. Переходите и продавайте с нами!

Replacement and Refund

Product replacement or refund is carried out via online chat or Telegram.

Be sure to file a claim immediately after discovering a problem to avoid voiding your warranty! (even if we are offline).

To replace the product, you must provide the following information:

1. Order number and email address
2. Description of the problem
3. Screenshot or video confirming the problem

How is the replacement of the product or refund carried out when your order has been accepted for processing:

- Product replacement is carried out within 2 working days.
- Refunds (moneyback) are possible only if it is impossible to exchange the product for a similar one.
- In case of a refund, the commission of the service through which the refund will be made (moneyback) will be more than 1%, it will be taken into account during the transfer at the expense of the buyer.
- Refunds are made within 48 hours to your Personal Account or Electronic Wallets (their availability should be checked with site support)